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Past gig Highlights
Over the last 15 years, these are the ones that hit hard, leaving (beauty) marks and gratitude.

"an Index of Metals" w/Phace
Austria, Germany, Spain
Crucify the heart! It's melodramatic bombastic fun yet deadly sincere.
Encoded in Romitelli's compositional voice here was the approach of his own (young) death, a liminal space where voices can finally learn to tell the truth. And at the end of this piece, Fausto's voice invites mine to screech and shriek like an unhinged prehistoric flying grief monster. Deep gratitude to Fausto and Phace.

Hildy in the Catacombs
Sept. 7-9. 2022
Greenwood Cemetery, NYC
These shows were a culmination of years of Hildy exploration, the release of my first record, and an invitation from Death of Classical to combine magic. I was accompanied by a bunch of ghosts in these catacombs, and delighted by the gigantic stage presence of the pom-pom-sized mouse who scurried his reign of terror underfoot at all 6 out of 6 shows. Dat you, Hildy?

"Moving Architecture" w/Phace
2015-2022 (ongoing)
Vienna, Barcelona, NYC
A sacred and beautifully difficult piece that I've been making sense of since 2012, composed a decade ago for my voice by Bernhard Lang. Every time I return to this landscape it offers new gifts and new gut-punches. And asks the poignant question: "What is home?"

Saunders' "YES" w/Klangforum
Sept 27, 2021
Jahrhunderthalle, Germany
A new place in every way. New high notes. New low notes, all both personally and professionally, making for an intense and wonderful first gig with Klangforum. I got to do all kinds of weird stuff to Molly Bloom's soliloquy via Rebecca Saunders and her wild voice.

"Drumming: A group Hallucination"
House of Yes, NYC
Imagining that Reich and Circus would be a perfect match, this was a brainchild I produced a few times at House of Yes, featuring Sandbox Percussion, Katherine Crockett, and the opportunity to fly through the sky while singing resultant patterns. Highly recommended experience.
"Consonantia" w/Marcuslikesit
July 7-9, 2018
Tanja Grunert Gallery, NYC
A foray into a world that felt immediately like home, explored with one of the most unique, gifted, and truly sexy humans I have known. I was lucky enough to "tie" with Marcuslikesit, a true shibari master (skilled at a zillion other things too.) He's an opera singer, so he and I created a piece about suspension and tension, vocally and otherwise. A favorite human in a real conversation where vulnerability went both ways.

"Four: a Sci-Fi Drama"
May 10, 2017
House of Yes, NYC
A collab at House of Yes where I performed as a topless tree to my own composition - a new level of freedom for me. I was almost killed in rehearsal by Anya Sapoznikova and I have everything on video. Forever grateful to the glitter-covered incubator of HoY.

"Drumming" with Nexus and So
Lincoln Center, NYC
The ultimate percussion trance party banger. Since 2005 I've been lucky enough to sing Reich with the original Reich guys, So Percussion and Nexus, and sometimes Reich himself. We have taken this piece everywhere, and even made a celebratory website about its 50th birthday, including a video where you watch the whole thing.

May 10, 2013
A big naked performance of Feldman's "Three Voices." My recording of this piece has never been released, possible it never will. I'm never not haunted by the snowstorm and tombstones that Feldman evokes, and the immaculate, perfect pop refrain of "Who'd have thought that snow falls?"

LANG/Smolka/Winkler with Aleph
2017-2022 (ongoing)
Graz, Austria
In NYC, Stuttgart , Karlsruhe, and Graz, I have joined the incredibly gentle and miraculous Aleph Guitar Quartet to present many premieres, one of which we recorded and just released: works of Smolka. We also offered Lang's "Cold Trip" and Gerhard Winkler wrote "Frostblues" for us.

"Voi(rex)" with Argento/IRCAM
May 5, 2005
Miller Theater, NYC
The first big BIG show after grad school with the virtuosic Argento Ensemble and the most terrifying piece I've ever met.